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Important Notes For Entrepreneurs On International Arbitration Process As Alternative Dispute Settlement


Written by: Rima Baskoro, S.H., ACIArb.
(Licensed Advocate, Listed Lawyer in Foreign Embassies in Indonesia, and Associate of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)


In running their business, entrepreneurs are not free from various legal conflicts, both internal and external. External legal conflict with other parties related to cooperation in conducting business is one of the problems that is often experienced by business people. Not infrequently due to external legal conflicts ultimately hamper the business wheels in a company.

In the business world, we…

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Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak di Indonesia


Oleh: Rima Gravianty Baskoro, S.H., ACIArb.
Managing Partner di Rima Baskoro & Partners Law Office



Memiliki keturunan (anak) menjadi dambaan hampir setiap pasangan suami-istri. Tak jarang beragam cara dilakukan oleh para pasangan agar bisa mendapatkan keturunan sesegera mungkin, meskipun harus menghabiskan banyak biaya, waktu, dan tenaga. Dengan kehadiran anak, selain sebagai pelengkap kebahagiaan, juga menjadi media penerus generasi keluarga dan keturunan. Maka adalah wajar apabila setiap orang tua memberikan segala hal yang terbaik untuk anak karena anak merupakan amanah dan karunia dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

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Warisan dan Wasiat menurut Hukum Perdata di Indonesia


Oleh: Kunto Prabowo, S.H., M.Kn., dan Rima Gravianty Baskoro, S.H., ACIArb.



Harta warisan adalah harta peninggalan pewaris yang telah meninggal dunia, dimana harta warisan ini baru dapat dibuka atau dapat diwariskan kepada ahli waris (ab intestato atau testamenter) setelah terjadinya kematian. Hal ini sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 830 Burgerlijk Wetboek yang menyatakan sebagai berikut:

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List of Minimum Price of House and/or Apartment Purchasing in Indonesia

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Chart Property Ownership and Inheritance by Foreigners in Indonesia

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Ms. Rima Baskoro, S.H. with Prof Yahya Harahap

Prof. Yahya Harahap is the former vice chairman of Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia. He is also an expert with regards Civil & Criminal Law. He was a judge and started from 1982 until 2000 was a judge in Supreme Court in Republic of Indonesia, with last position as the Chief of Criminality Division.

Our Managing Partner Ms. Rima Baskoro, S.H. with Prof. Yahya Harahap.

Our Managing Partner Ms. Rima Baskoro, S.H. with Prof. Yahya Harahap.


Perjanjian Pisah Harta, Bukan Soal Perceraian Semata


sumber :


The importance of Roles and Duties of An Indonesian Directors in A Foreign Investment Company


Written by Kiki Setiawan, S.H., LL.M.
Partner of Corporate and Commercial Division at Rima Baskoro & Partners


Roles and Duties of Board of Directors

The Indonesian Company Law, as regulated in Law Number 40 of 2007 regarding limited liability company, generally provides roles and duties of Board of Directors in a limited liability company. The main responsibility of board of directors to undertake the management of the company for the interest of the company and in accordance with the company’s purposes and objectives.

As a care taker of the company, board of directors is mandated to represent the company inside or outside the courts of justice. In a particular case, board of directors is not authorized to represent the company if: i) there is a case before the courts between the company and the member of board of directors concerned; or ii) the member of the board of directors concerned has a conflict of interests with the company.

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The Illegal Entering of Foreign Citizens Into The Territory of Republic of Indonesia Without Imigration Process in The Event of Lion Air JT161 Aircraft Disembarkation at Domestic Arrival Terminal of Soekarno Hatta International Airport

Written by: Rima Gravianty Baskoro, S.H.

Managing Partner of Rima Baskoro & Partners Law Office


On May, 10th 2016, Lion Air JT161 Aircraft route Singapore – Jakarta has landed in R51 (as known as remote parking area 51) Soekarno Hatta International Airport, in which after such disembarkation there are foreign citizens that entering the territory of Republic of Indonesia without any immigration process at Soekarno Hatta International Airport. Regarding such event, there are many versions of news in mass media. Some of them stated that the Lion Air JT161 Aircraft has landed in the wrong area, in which in domestic terminal, as a matter of facts such aircraft came from Singapore to Jakarta (international route). Some of them also stated that the entry of foreigners to Indonesia without immigrations checking is because of the Lion Air bus driver drove JT161 passengers into the wrong way, in which after the landing of JT161 passengers shall drive to International arrival terminal at Soekarno Hatta International Airport. Instead the Lion Air bus driver drove JT 161 passengers to domestic arrival terminal at Soekarno Hatta International Airport. Another version of this event is the officer of Soekarno Hatta International Airport Aviation Security aware of such procedural error and took action by directing the passengers to go back to the bus so they can go to international arrival terminal and through the immigrations checking.

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Entrapment and Involvement of Foreign Citizens on Drugs Smuggling Cases in Indonesia

Written by : Rima Gravianty Baskoro, S.H.

Managing Partner of Rima Baskoro & Partners Law Office


Many times we watched the news in mass media about drugs smuggling from other country to Indonesia (import) or from Indonesia to other  country (export)  conducted by foreign citizen(s). In Indonesia, drugs crime regulated in the Law of Republic of Indonesia number 35 year 2009 regarding Narcotics (“Narcotics Law”), in which its maximum punishment is death penalty.

Based on our experience in the field, some foreigners who caught smuggling the narcotics admitted that he/she was set up by a group of people. The entrapping was very structured , systematic and professional because carried out by a syndicate international narcotics trafficking, so that foreigners are not realize that the narcotics have been slid in his goods. The type of narcotics that  usually smuggled  is metamphetamine,  with  various weights. Foreigners often said that they were not aware that there are narcotics in their bag. They even just knew that there are narcotics in their bag after the customs officer at the airport check their bag.

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