Archives for jakarta

Recommended Lawfirm by Italian Embassy in Republic of Indonesia

Recommended Lawfirm by Italian Embassy in Republic of Indonesia

Rima Baskoro & Partners (RBP) as a recommended lawfirm and lawyer by Italian Embassy in Republic of Indonesia.


Konsultasi Hukum Gratis / Free Legal Consultations

Konsultasi gratis


Sebagai wujud penghargaan kami terhadap masyarakat dan penghormatan kami terhadap profesi Advokat, dengan ini RIMA BASKORO & PARTNERS (RBP) mengadakan konsultasi hukum gratis (pro bono) dengan memegang pada sumber-sumber hukum di Indonesia. Konsultasi hukum gratis ini diadakan setiap hari Jumat pukul 10:00 s/d 15:00 WIB (dengan perjanjian) di kantor RBP.

As a form of appreciation to the public and our respects to Advocate Profession (officium nobile), RIMA BASKORO & PARTNERS (RBP) give you free legal cosultations (pro bono) based on the source of law of Republic of Indonesia. The free legal cosultation will be held every Friday on 10:00 until 15:00 Jakarta Time at RBP law office.